W 14073 Cty Hwy C Athelstane WI 54104
W 14073 Cty Hwy C Athelstane Wisconsin 54104 US

Kosir’s Rapid Rafts has been introducing people in the Midwest to whitewater rafting for more than 40 years. Most visitors find that our service and location make it worth coming back again, year after year. We have been providing the latest, state of the art equipment along with a friendly professional staff since 1975, with two convenient locations to make your trips to the Northwoods that much more enjoyable.

We have a prime location on the shore of the Peshtigo River at the end of the “Roaring Rapids” section of the Peshtigo River. This section is one of the longest stretches of continuous whitewater in Wisconsin and the Midwest.

Our location at the end of the raft trip has its advantages, especially for those who finish first. At Kosir’s, you don’t have to wait around for a bus or for your friends to finish before you can change out of your wet clothes. When you get off your raft, you are already walking distance from your car, the shower house, our office/gift shop, the campground, and the “Rapids Resort”.

Rapids Resort is just next door to Kosir’s Peshtigo River Office/Gift Shop, our main headquarters on the shores of the Peshtigo River. It’s a great place to hang out and watch and wait for friends when you get off the river. This is especially nice when the weather is not so nice!

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